This Japanese site, Studio101, sells Swedish milk cartons and other Scandinavian everyday products. Apparently considered exotic coming from the other side of the planet...
Bags of all kinds and shapes at Olydig ("disobedient" in English). The online store is cram-full of bags in neat retro-ish patterns. The site is only available in Swedish.
Speaking of vintage... if you're in Stockholm, pay a visit toWigerdals World and get some vintage furniture, toys and pop culture what-nots.
Unfortunately the site is only available in Swedish.
Interior 1900 is an online store specialized in vintage wallpapers from the 20th century, approximately 1910-1980. Most of the wallpapers were manufactured in Scandinavia, and none of them are new prints. Have a look at their big supply of wallpapers and other items.
Very inspirational and très cool!
PS. Don't forget to download a swedesreswallpaper.
Blaugallery is a neatly designed online store selling art and graphic design printed onto canvas. The print work seems to be of high quality with a good variety of motifs. And you can actually order prints of your own work in various sizes.
The Retroworld, based in Sweden, is a site dedicated to rare retro watches from the 70's and 80's. And they’re all for sale. Take a stroll down memory lane...
Ok, so this might be the third T-shirt post in a row, but what the hey... it's summer!
Squidhunter, based in Lund, Sweden, has been around since 2001. Apart from their excellent T-shirts they also offer a range of wristbands and other accessories.